Brooklyn Park To Conduct Wireless Emergency Alert System Test On October 16


Brooklyn Park To Conduct Wireless Emergency Alert System Test On October 16

If you find yourself in Brooklyn Park next Wednesday, your phone might start buzzing with an unexpected message. In a test of Hennepin County's alert prowess, a Wireless Emergency Alerts (WEA) system test is slated for October 16 at noon. Ensuring that critical info gets to you when it matters most, this system, part of the Integrated Public Alert and Warning System (IPAWS), delivers directly to smartphones.

Curious about what this test alert will entail? Expect straightforward text on your screen outlining the alert's type, necessary actions, and the agency behind it. And if the message isn't enough to capture your attention, it'll come with a link to a brief four-question survey, as mentioned in the official Brooklyn Park announcement. They are asking graciously for everyone's participation, asserting that your feedback is pivotal for system efficiency and effectiveness.

But how can you be sure your device is in the loop for these alerts? It's suggested you dive into the Settings app and hunt for the Emergency Alerts section. Look out for an option labeled 'State/Local Test Alerts' or something along those lines, and make sure it's activated. This should get you squared away from receiving future tests and real emergencies alike.

If questions arise, Emergency Management Coordinator Dan Johnson-Powers welcomes them; he's the point of contact detailed in the Brooklyn Park newsletter. More info about the WEA system, in its broader context, can be found on the FEMA website – a repository of knowledge for emergency preparedness and response. This October 16 exercise in readiness underscores the community's commitment to safety and serves as a reminder that, in times of crisis, being informed is the first step to being protected.

SOURCE: hoodline

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