Brooklyn Park Nonprofit Honors Single Moms With May 11 ‘Dear Mama’ Event


A Brooklyn Park nonprofit is doing what it can to make Mother’s Day a little more special for single mothers.

Honored 2 Help is teaming up with Living Word Christian Center to host “Dear Mama,” an event on Saturday, May 11, — the day before Mother’s Day — to provide single moms with donations of much-needed baby supplies.

For event founder Clint “Scooter” Draughn, the mission is personal.

“It’s really hard for everyone, especially single mothers,” said Draughn. “I grew up with a single mother. So I know how difficult it can be raising children on your own.”

Draughn has organized other fundraising drives, but this is the first time he has put on this particular event.

To make it happen, Draughn needs essential items for children ages 3 and younger, including diapers, baby wipes and formula.

“Through the process of going to get this stuff, a lot of it I went shopping for. I didn’t know how expensive it was,” said Draughn. “And there was a shortage actually on baby formula. So we really need baby formula.”

Supplies can be dropped off at Living Word Christian Center, located at 9201 75th Ave. N. in Brooklyn Park, with the memo “Honored 2 Help.” Money donations are also appreciated through the Honored 2 Help website.

Distinctive Designs Floral will also provide each mother a rose at “Dear Mama.”

The “Dear Mama” event will be held May 11 from 11 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. at Zanewood Recreation Center, 7100 Zane Ave. N. The event is free, but registration is requested.

Draughn said he doesn’t want the event to just be a time to pick up essentials, but also provide opportunity for single mothers to bond with others going through similar circumstances.



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