Anoka County Firewood Sales Give Residents A Chance To Heat Up


Anoka County Firewood Sales Give Residents A Chance To Heat Up

Soon winter will return to the Twin Cities.

For some that means toasty nights drinking hot chocolate in front of the fireplace.

Of course, you need firewood to make that happen and in Anoka County that is readily available.

The county is having firewood sales on September 14th and 28th from 8 am to 3 pm in Andover. This is a chance for North Metro residents to stock up so they can heat up in a frigid Minnesota winter.

“The firewood’s been sitting for a year and a half,” said Quinn Palar from Anoka County Parks. “This is from two winters ago essentially so it is cut, split and ready to burn right now. We sell it by the face cord which is a third of a full cord so 4×8 by approximately, 16 inches stacked. That’s $110 per fireplace cord plus tax.”

The wood can be used in many ways.

“People are able to use it in their fireplaces,” Palar said. “Some people heat with wood. It’s a good way to utilize that resource.”

Popular event

It’s a scene that would make Paul Bunyan happy. Stacks of logs and wood stored behind the Anoka County Parks building.

But the chore of getting and making the firewood requires lots of effort by the county and the trees that wind up being cut up are done so for various reasons.

“It’s any trees that are removed throughout the county for any reason,” Palar said. “So it’s hazard trees that we are removing. Diseased trees over the trails. Storm-damaged trees.”

From tree to log to firewood – this process is repeated often by Anoka County Parks employees so there is enough wood for anyone who wants some.

“It’s been a popular event for over a decade now…” Palar said. “People bring their trucks, trailers, SUV’s and fill them up.”

Selling the wood is a chance for the county to recoup some costs from tree removal.

“We’re not trying to make money,” Palar said. “County constituents that do make money off selling firewood, we don’t want to undercut them, but we try to have a fair market value.”

Anoka County also operates two campgrounds where bundled firewood is sold for $7 apiece.



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