Newsmakers: Maria’s Voice Promotes Kindness in Domestic Violence Prevention


Newsmakers: Maria’s Voice Promotes Kindness in Domestic Violence Prevention

Maria’s Voice Shares Warning Signs of Domestic Violence

Maria’s Voice is a nonprofit that strives to bring domestic violence prevention and education to communities.

“We are aware of the signs of domestic violence, we know how to label them and define them, we can have the courage and kindness to reach out to someone in our life or church, maybe a co-worker who we can sit to next on the bus who might be distraught. We have that kindness to say ‘is there something going on and can I help you,” said Lissa Weimelt, co-founder. “We know the signs. We can reach out to people and we also know the signs of what is a healthy relationship.”

Lissa Weimelt and her husband, Bill Pew, founded Maria’s Voice in memory of their daughter, Maria, who was killed by her husband in Maple Grove. The nonprofit has tackled the complicated issue of domestic violence with creativity and determination ever since.

This year, Maria’s Voice received a grant from Congressman Dean Phillips, enabling them to expand their prevention network to 15 cities in his district.

“We share our prevention education with [city] employees,” said Weimelt. “It’s very often a city has the largest group of employees of anyone in that area, so we are sharing our prevention education with them so they can become foot soldiers in this prevention messaging.”

Maria’s Voice attends community festivals and events to talk about what they do. Weimelt says they often hear stories where a victim has escaped their abusive situation. At Maple Grove’s Chalkfest, Weimelt says a survivor came to their booth to share her story. The survivor said she came to the annual domestic violence vigil and make a decision to leave her abuse relationship.

“She said,’you saved my life last year,” remembers Weimelt. “I don’t often hear that, but that’s a pretty profound story about the power of prevention.”

The 5th Annual Domestic Violence Awareness Month Community Tribute is scheduled for Thursday, October 10 at Phenow Pavilion in Maple Grove’s Central Park. The Memory Lane event begins at 5:30 p.m. and the program runs from 6 to 7 p.m.

“It’s spiritual, it’s meaningful, and it’s a really amazing way for an individual to say I believe in the safety in everyone’s home,” said Weimelt.



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