Osseo Senior High School Celebrates 100 Years


Osseo Senior High School Celebrates 100 Years

The oldest school in the Osseo Area Schools district is celebrating a special occasion this weekend. Osseo Senior High School turns 100 this year.

The school is holding a big celebration Friday afternoon to remember the school’s past and also look to its future.

“A lot of people still live in the community,” Principal Sara Vernig said. “They’ve been sharing old photos with us, they’ve been sharing their own memories. What they’ve had, what they’ve done, what they remember about the school.”

The first Osseo Senior High School student graduated as a class of one in 1925. Vernig said that in 2025, more than 500 students are set to walk the commencement stage.

“The kids are amazing, they are strong. They are advocates for themselves, they are advocates for their family,” Vernig said. “They continue to push us to be better people and better educators.”

Vernig said the school is a special place, and to her, the community is a big part of what keeps it standing.

Anyone can come celebrate “100 years of excellence” on Friday, Sept. 27, at the Osseo Senior High School stadium’s parking lot. Expect food trucks, lawn games and opportunities to tour OSH. Friday is also homecoming, and alumni will be recognized before the game at 5:30 p.m. 



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