Minneapolis City Council Overrides Mayor, Imposes Carbon Emission Fees On Top Polluters


Minneapolis City Council Overrides Mayor, Imposes Carbon Emission Fees On Top Polluters

In an act of legislative defiance, the Minneapolis City Council has overridden the Mayor's veto concerning new carbon emission fees, aimed directly at the city's most significant polluters.

According to a social media post by Minneapolis Ward 9 Council Member Jason Chavez, a decisive 9-2 vote cemented the council's intent to curb emissions without delay, reinforcing the urgency of climate action within city governance.

The freshly enacted legislation adds carbon dioxide to the list of pollutants covered by the Pollution Control Annual Registration (PCAR) fees, targeting the 36 largest polluters in Minneapolis, and is projected to cut down emissions by a notable 6%.

Council Member Robin Wonsley from Minneapolis Ward 2 has been recognized for her unwavering efforts to combat environmental racism, a critical component of the broader climate justice movement. "Thank you to Council Member Robin Wonsley - Minneapolis Ward 2 for your steadfast dedication to address environmental racism. Your leadership does not go unnoticed," Chavez lauded Wonsley in his announcement.

SOURCE: hoodline

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