Showtime Senior Choir Disbands After Twenty Years of Music


A local choral group has taken its final bow after 20 years of performing in the community.

The Showtime Seniors is a group of age 55-plus singers. Members recently treated attendees at the Empty Bowls charity fundraiser in New Hope to their last performance.

“We wanted to go out on a high note and Empty Bowls is about as high as we could get,” said longtime member Paul Johnson.

The choir has performed in hundreds of churches, retirement centers and nursing homes in the northwest metro.

“They need entertainment by people who are close to their age and who sing songs that are within their generation,” stated choir director Monica Degeneffe.

The group wasn’t able to recruit enough new members after more than half of the choir resigned during the pandemic.

“The friends that I made here are just wonderful,” said Johnson. “The fact that we had to decide to close was a bittersweet moment because we had known each other for so long.”

Johnson says the choir should be proud for going out on such a high note.

“We’d rather go out with a bang instead of a whimper… we went out with a concert.” WATCH.



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