Brooklyn Park Lions Prepare For 60th Annual Smelt Fry


The Brooklyn Park Lions are preparing for their 60th Annual Smelt Fry.

The event will be April 26, 27, and 28 from 5 to 8 p.m. at the Brooklyn Park Community Activity Center.

“It’s a wonderful event in Brooklyn Park. It’s fish, a wonderful meal of fish,” said Mark Wendt with Brooklyn Park Lions.

This year the Lions will be adding rice to the menu of sides along with coleslaw, beans, chips, a dinner roll and all the smelt you can eat. There will also be beer for sale. The price for an adult plate is $15 in advance and $16 at the door. Children under the age of 12 are $8.

“Traditionally smelt fries are a Scandinavian thing,” explained Roger Backstrom with Brooklyn Park Lions. “As our Brooklyn Park community has evolved, we thought we’d evolve the smelt fry.”

So Backstrom says they added some rice and sauces to the menu this year to try to broaden the appeal of the event.

You can purchase tickets in advance at the Community Activity Center or Godfather’s Pizza in Brooklyn Park.

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