Coon Rapids, Minnesota, Equips Public Spaces And Vehicles With Revived AEDs For Cardiac Emergency Response


In a move that marries practicality with public safety, Coon Rapids, Minnesota, is breathing new life into old medical equipment.

The city's outdated Automated External Defibrillators (AEDs), once nearing the end of their tenure, are getting a second chance at heroics.

These vital life-saving devices are being rerouted to city parks and public works vehicles, as reported by the Coon Rapids Police Department.

Providing AEDs to these mobile units ensures that a swift response to cardiac emergencies stretches well beyond the walls of municipal buildings, touching the grassy expanses of the town's parks and the streets its citizens frequent. 

According to the Coon Rapids Police Department, the aim is clear: ensure "that those who frequent public areas are prepared to respond to cardiac emergencies." With travel and, labor central to parks and public works staff, their vehicles become moving bastions of emergency readiness.

SOURCE: hoodline

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