Coon Rapids Invites All Ages To Firecracker 5K And Festive Fourth Of July Celebrations


Lace-up those sneakers for an explosive start to your Independence Day at the Firecracker 5K and Kids Sparkler Dash. Celebrate the Fourth of July with a little sweat and sparkle in Coon Rapids this summer.The event kicks off with the 5K run/walk at 8 a.m., followed by the free Kids Sparkler Dash 500 at 9:15 a.m., specifically tailored for youngsters aged 3 to 10. It's an all-ages affair at the Coon Rapids Ice Center, located at 11000 Crooked Lake Blvd, as reported by the Coon Rapids Minnesota.

Timing is everything: the early bird gets the worm, or in this case, a discounted registration fee. Runners who register by today, April 30, need only to fork over $35.

For those who hit the snooze button, fees climb to $40 starting May 1 and reach up to $50 by race day. Just don't drag your feet until after June 16, warns the city's website; that’s when they’ll stop guaranteeing those coveted race t-shirts and other swag items. For more details or to secure your spot, check out the official registration page, as per the Coon Rapids Minnesota.

SOURCE: hoodline

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