Statewide View: Minnesota Partnership Is Connecting Students To Meaningful Careers


From the column: "(By bridging) the gap between employers and future talent ... we can fuel economic growth and foster a sense of pride and economic opportunity across the state."

In the ever-evolving landscape of Minnesota's educational and professional fields, a dynamic force is at play: the pressing need for technical and trade careers that not only create wealth but also build a brighter future for the next generation.

As Minnesota’s economy continues to evolve, the demand for skilled workers has never been greater. From manufacturing to health care, from construction to information technology, these careers offer not only financial stability but also opportunities for personal growth and career development. As we look to the future, investing in these pathways is crucial for ensuring the prosperity and well-being of our state and its people.

Career Academies, a new initiative spearheaded by the Greater Twin Cities United Way, is not merely reshaping futures, it's providing possibilities and fostering the success of Minnesota’s future workforce. Career Academies are a sequence of advanced coursework — including college credit, career, and technical education — and paid work experience that ladder to high-wage, high-demand careers.

The Minnesota Chamber Foundation’s partnership with this initiative plays an important role in connecting students to employers and meaningful work experience in their communities. Over the past year together, we’ve broken down barriers in career pathways and workforce development. The partnership not only helps students see a path to a high-demand career but also helps employers attract and retain employees.

Our local chambers across Minnesota bring a unique perspective to this partnership. From Winona to Coon Rapids to Burnsville, Career Academies are impactful, bringing apprenticeship and training programs to communities and creating realistic career paths for countless Minnesota young adults.

In Winona, where there are more than 100 manufacturing companies, apprenticeship and internship programs challenge conventional depictions of the need for a four-year college degree and instead showcase career pathways that create lasting wealth and help build the workforce pipeline. Students discover the power of certificates, internships, and apprenticeships, each a stepping stone toward a promising future.

Meanwhile, in Coon Rapids and Burnsville, our partnership embodies inclusivity in action. By reaching out to students sometimes marginalized by socioeconomic barriers, these initiatives value equity, empowering every individual to chart their own course. Through mentorship and soft-skills development, career pathways not only broaden horizons but also nurture resilience and determination.

Our role in this partnership is clear: to connect students, including underrepresented populations, to meaningful work experiences. Mentorship and hands-on exposure to careers bridge the gap between employers and future talent. In doing so, we can fuel economic growth and foster a sense of pride and economic opportunity across the state.

At the Minnesota Chamber Foundation, we recognize that communities of color and underserved populations are critical to the prosperity of our state and business community. It is incumbent upon all of us to create pathways for opportunity for the next generation and establish wealth-building career choices.

Working with programs like Career Academies, we stand poised to build a future creating opportunity for all Minnesotans.

Jennifer Byers is vice president of grassroots and chamber relations for the St. Paul-based Minnesota Chamber of Commerce. She wrote this exclusively for the News Tribune.

SOURCE: Duluth News Tribune

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