Coon Rapids Seeks Engaged Citizens For Advisory Commissions On Fire Safety, Charter, And Sustainability


  Coon Rapids Seeks Engaged Citizens For Advisory Commissions On Fire Safety, Charter, And Sustainability

Coon Rapids Seeks Engaged Citizens For Advisory Commissions On Fire Safety, Charter, And Sustainability

For those looking to make a tangible impact on the fabric of their city, Coon Rapids is extending an invitation. In a recent announcement, the city has put out a call for residents who are willing to volunteer their time and expertise by serving on one of its advisory commissions, according to the City of Coon Rapids.

As per the municipal announcement, the City is specifically seeking "individuals to serve on the Fire Civil Service Commission, Charter Commission and Sustainability Commission."

For those discerning whether to step forward, details on how to apply, the nature of the commissions, and the expectations of commission members are laid out in the public notice. As advised by the City, all applications are to be submitted through the proper channels outlined on their website.

SOURCE: hoodline

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