
Bringing the Plymouth community closer, the City of Plymouth has unveiled a free "Meet Your Neighbor" series, providing residents a chance to dialog and absorb diverse cultural knowledge. This initiative has three central events spanning from the end of January through February, each aimed at fostering understanding and camaraderie amongst locals.
One aspect of the series tackles a prevalent societal issue – dementia. The "Dementia Friends" sessions plan to shed light on the experiences of those living with dementia and strategies for effective communication. Attendees will also be ushered into the broader support network available for individuals and families navigating this challenge. The program stretches over two dates, with the first virtual session on Zoom scheduled for Jan. 31 from 11 a.m. to noon, and the second in-person session on May 14 from 10-11 a.m. at the Plymouth Community Center, located at 14800 34th Ave. N., as reported by the City of Plymouth government website.
Furthering their initiative, the series introduces "Basics of Islam and Muslim Lifestyle," an event set for Feb. 26, where the curious and the cognizant alike can engage from 2-3:30 p.m. The venue, once again, is the Plymouth Community Center. This session opens a window into the Islamic faith and everyday lives of Muslims, encouraging participation through pre-registration due to limited space. Interested locals can secure their spots by registering online.
Questions regarding the "Meet Your Neighbor" series can be directed towards Meghan Constantini, the Recreation Supervisor for the City of Plymouth. She can be reached at 763-509-5284 or via email at for those seeking additional information.
SOURCE: hoodline