
Residents of North Minneapolis, Brooklyn Center, and Brooklyn Park are being called to the virtual discussion table by the Minnesota Department of Transportation (MnDOT) to voice their thoughts on the future of Hwy 252/I-94. On January 29 from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m., MnDOT will hold a virtual community table talk accessible via Zoom, focusing specifically on environmental justice as it relates to proposed highway upgrades.
For those navigating the congested and crash-prone corridors of Hwy 252 and I-94 daily, the upcoming discussion represents a crucial opportunity for public input. MnDOT's meeting will kick off with a presentation and segue into a question-and-answer session, subsequently splitting participants into breakout rooms keyed to the needs of each city within the project area. The virtual setup allows for a broader reach of voices to be heard, as commuting woes and safety concerns have been a long-standing issue along this stretch of road. Registration can be accomplished through the provided link.
The agenda for MnDOT's collaborative effort extends beyond road repairs. The agency seeks to foster a dialogue on how a fresh road design might affect numerous environmental aspects, from the well-being of local residents to the surrounding natural habitat. According to the City of Brooklyn Park bulletin, MnDOT will continue refining design alternatives that have been flagged for further study as they work in concert with public feedback and the insights of federal and local partners such as the City of Brooklyn Park.
Feedback from the community is sought on various components of the highway's redesign, including structural considerations of highway intersections with local roads, potential locations for interchanges, and enhancements for non-vehicle commuters. Factors like lane number, public transit frequency, and noise mitigation will also be topics of discussion. A definitive road design concept is slated for choice in 2026, with anticipated construction beginning not until 2029, thus highlighting the project's long-term vision and the ongoing dialogue with community stakeholders.
SOURCE: hoodline