Hip, Hip, Hoo-Ranger!


Hip, Hip, Hoo-Ranger!

Usually when you “work like a dog,” you’re working too hard for too little — for Ranger the certified therapy dog, though, rewarding work comes with very little effort. The golden retriever recently surpassed 500 total visits to Mercy Hospital, and his handler Laurie Mackechnie, of Anoka, said all he had to do to become so successful was be himself.

“He just loves this,” Mackechnie said about her 12-year-old golden retriever. “We were just in administration, and he knows where all the treats are. (Staff) know they need to get him an exit treat. It’s just so funny — ‘Who’s got the exit treat?’ … You have to lure him out the door. I don’t think he’s ever met someone who wasn’t his friend.”

SOURCE: Hometown Source

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