Trump Cuts $1 Billion In Food Aid As Minnesota Faces Budget Crisis


Trump Cuts $1 Billion In Food Aid As Minnesota Faces Budget Crisis

In a significant funding cut, the Trump Administration has pulled the plug on $1 billion in aid earmarked for food banks and farm-to-school programs across the nation, a move that has triggered a storm of criticism from local leaders. Among the most vocal, Senator Liz Boldon of Minnesota, condemned the administration's decision, highlighting the adverse impact it would have on Minnesotans, particularly children, working-class families, and local farmers. The state stood to gain much-needed support totaling roughly $18 million from these federal programs to bolster its fight against food insecurity.

After the announcement made on March 10, Senator Boldon did not mince words in her reproach. "Like their proposed gutting of Medicaid and SNAP benefits, this is yet another example of the Trump Administration's chaos, cruelty, and corruption," said Boldon, as reported by Senate DFL MN. The terminated funding would have been distributed as $9,226,348 for school food purchasing, $4,045,518 for child care institution food purchasing, and an additional $4,732,009 through the Local Food Purchasing Assistance (LFPA) program.

The cutbacks coincide with reports of all-time high visits to food banks and growing demand at child care institutions for accessible and affordable groceries. According to testimony given by Rochester food banks in the Health and Human Services Committee earlier this month, the need for such services has spiked.

"Donald Trump and his top campaign donor, Elon Musk are terminating crucial funding for the most vulnerable Minnesotans in order to pay for tax cuts for the ultra wealthy – pulling the rug out from folks struggling to make ends meet," Boldon further criticized. The statement reflects a mounting discontent over policy decisions viewed by many as turning a blind eye to the struggles of working-class Americans and prioritizing the affluent.

Amid this unfolding controversy, Senator Boldon calls upon her Republican colleagues and elected representatives in Congress to take a stand. She appeals for opposition to the Trump Administration's "draconian cuts" that are seen as an attack on the social safety nets designed to protect the needy and support a sustainable food ecosystem from farm to table.

SOURCE: hoodline

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