Golden Valley To Vote On 1.25% Local Sales Tax For Much-Needed Public Facilities Improvements


In the run-up to Election Day, Golden Valley residents are poised to make a significant decision that could greatly impact the community’s public services.

The proposed 1.25% local sales tax has gained attention with community leaders emphasizing the urgent need for improvements to vital facilities.

“If you look at this building, it’s been around for a very long time, and it’s time that this agency makes some much-needed improvements,” stated Golden Valley Police Chief Virgil Green of the department’s current facility.

Green highlighted the subpar conditions of the current police department facility, citing concerns about cramped spaces and inadequate locker rooms.

“This women’s locker room doesn’t meet the standards of what we would like to see our female police officers coming into work getting dressed for work,” said Green. “It’s very small, a confined space, and there’s really very limited space when it comes to even taking a shower. So this sales tax initiative would go a long way in improving the conditions for both men and women.”

Green believes that a new facility would address the growing demands of the police department and provide more space for officers, evidence and property storage, and front staff.


Golden Valley Fire Chief John Crelly also expressed his support for the proposed sales tax, highlighting the need for a new fire station to support a twenty-four-seven work model.

“Our facilities here in Golden Valley do not have any accommodations for rest or sleep,” Crelly explained. “We’ve set up cots in the offices that we use for all our daytime activities here, which is far from ideal.”

Safety and the ability to attract and retain firefighters were Crelly’s top concerns.

“We recruit and we’re competing against other fire departments. We have firefighters changing into their gear next to trucks emitting exhaust, which is not safe,” he said.

Golden Valley Public Works Director Tim Kiefer shed light on challenges faced by his department at their current facility.

“You can’t open up a door when all the plow equipment is on; we have wings that overhang, and you can’t open the door all the way,” said Kiefer.

Kiefer also emphasized the need for public works to relocate from the downtown area to reduce disturbances to nearby residents, particularly due to the department’s around-the-clock operations.


The proposed 1.25% local sales tax, if approved, would apply to all taxable retail sales in Golden Valley, with the proceeds allocated toward crucial capital improvements.

“You are supporting the men and women of the Golden Valley Police Department; you’re supporting the men and women of the Golden Valley Fire Department; you’re supporting our Public Works Department. So, this is something very important to these three different departments that provide a vital service to this community,” said Green.

Learn more about the proposed 1.25 percent local sales tax.



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