Minneapolis Park And Recreation Board Seeks Public Feedback On Diamond Sports Facilities Study


Minneapolis Park And Recreation Board Seeks Public Feedback On Diamond Sports Facilities Study

The Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board (MPRB) has rolled out the findings of its comprehensive Diamond Sports Facilities Study, and now it's looking for public input. Local baseball and softball players, as well as others who use these facilities, are encouraged to check out the study and share their two cents via an online feedback survey.

The study, based on the input from a Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) made up of local sports buffs and MPRB personnel, took roughly ten months to pin down. It set its sights on building a game plan for everything from maintenance standards to programming, distribution, and the implementation of the facilities. The MPRB extended its thanks to the TAC for their, "time, energy and insights!"

Users, coaches, and league organizers have a unique opportunity here to shape the future of their game fields. The recommendations from this study aim to enhance the playing experience across the board. Key areas touched upon include how permits are handled for recreational use and setting up a timeline for when these improvements might spring to life, offering potential funding opportunities to bat the projects home.

Although this study is a home run for baseball and softball facilities, it's just the opening pitch for the MPRB's grand slam of reviews. After diamond sports, the board plans to tackle field sports, court sports, and, yes – winter sports. Each set of sporting grounds gets a dedicated analysis to ensure all city parks are up to snuff and meeting the community's needs.

For a peek at the study and to step up to the plate with your feedback, just head over to the Diamond Sports Facilities Study website.

SOURCE: hoodline

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