Coon Rapids Commences Annual Fire Hydrant Flushing, City Advises On Temporary Water Discoloration


City workers have rolled up their sleeves and set about the annual task of clearing up the muck from within the depths of the city's water pipes.

Recognized as crucial to maintaining the infrastructure's pulse, the process of fire hydrant flushing commenced this week in the city's south and west sides, following last spring's scrub-up in the north and east.

Residents can eyeball the areas on the front line with a peek at a 2024 hydrant flushing map.

Whilst the schedule suggests a three to four-week timeline to see the endeavor through, Mother Nature might throw a wrench in the works, making progress depending on her moods.

The crews, by the book, will concentrate their efforts south of Highway 10, battling sediment and staleness that takes up residence in less-visited stretches of the city's pipes.

The wake of the fire hydrant flushing, as the city respectfully warns, could be a flow of brown water from faucets.

This temporary ugliness results from an uprising of iron-laden sediment caused by a shake-up in the water's usual path.

Despite the unsettling hue, experts reassure that brown water holds no harm for those who drink it. But a caveat for the homeowners – hold off on laundering your whites.

That murky tide should clear within several days, and the use of water softeners comes as a balm to hasten the return to clarity.

As per a statement issued by the city, "hydrant flushing can cause some temporary water discoloration." But not to fret – this brownish guest is not one to overstay. So while the sight might turn the stomach, the water's quality, apparently, remains uncompromised. Inhabitants spotting the brown pour might opt to pause their wash cycles, steering clear of potential fashion disasters. The sediment's curtain call should wrap up in a day, ending the brief interlude of discolored drama.

SOURCE: hoodline

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