Coon Rapids Issues Apology For Utility Bill Printing Error, Advises Residents to Await Corrected Statements


Coon Rapids Issues Apology For Utility Bill Printing Error, Advises Residents to Await Corrected Statements

Coon Rapids residents who recently opened their mailboxes to find printed utility bills for June through August are due an important correction: the City of Coon Rapids has acknowledged a printing error in these bills and is urgently addressing the misstep. The city clarified that corrected bills are en route to residents, recommending that they hold off on payments until the arrival of an updated invoice, or verify the owed amount by visiting the city’s billing website.

The notice, which was distributed by a city announcement, reveals that online and ebill users can breathe easy as their bills remain unaffected, but for those who received a paper statement, the misprint influences approximately 8,000 households in the Coon Rapids community and while the corrected bills should land in mailboxes by week's end, the city extends its apologies for any inconvenience caused and appreciates the public's patience during this rectification process. The affected statements detail usage for June, July, and August, and the city's transparent communication stresses that this was an isolated printing issue, pointing out no cause for alarm concerning personal account information.

In their apology, the City of Coon Rapids states, "We apologize for the inconvenience and thank you for your understanding" as they work to expedite the fixed bills to impacted residents. Consumer confidence in municipal systems is paramount, and the city's proactive steps to correct and communicate the error highlight responsiveness to the community’s need for clarity and accuracy in matters as ordinary, yet crucial as utility billing.

For residents keen on resolving their bills without delay, the city encourages the use of their online payment system, where the correct amounts are already reflected and no misprint has cast a shadow; moreover, the city’s digital platforms stand as a resource for those in the community seeking instantaneous access and resolution to their accounts as the corrected paper bills wind their way to mailboxes across Coon Rapids.

SOURCE: hoodline

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