Brooklyn Park Launches Curbside Organics Recycling, Urges Residents To Sign Up for Eco-Friendly Waste Management


Brooklyn Park Launches Curbside Organics Recycling, Urges Residents To Sign Up for Eco-Friendly Waste Management

Brooklyn Park residents have a new way to be green, as the city is rolling out curbside organics recycling collection. This environmentally conscious program is set to include all food scraps and non-recyclable papers, such as napkins, to cut down on the amount of waste directed to landfills and instead, put it to better use through composting. More detailed information, including guides in multiple languages, is available on the city website, where residents can also sign up to receive their own organics recycling cart.

According to the city's announcement, it's crucial for residents who want to participate to sign up by March 9, 2025, if they wish to quickly receive their carts the week of March 24. Signing up is the only way to secure a cart, as deliveries will be temporarily halted thereafter to properly arrange the logistics of the collection routes. For those who might miss the initial deadline, the service will resume cart delivery in mid-April, but be prepared for a potential wait of several weeks.

There's also some financial incentive to join the program. Currently, all garbage haulers in the area charge a fee ranging from $5 to $7.50 per month for organics recycling, irrespective of customer participation. This mandatory charge is set to cease come April. Instead, a more palatable $2.90 monthly charge will be added to the city utility bills of those who opt-in for the service.

All information regarding the sign-up process and other program details can be found on the Brooklyn Park website.

SOURCE: hoodline

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